Friday, August 22, 2008

Whats wrong with the world?

Spinning in circles
Round and round
A young child is pointed and laughed at
The crowd cackles and gestures
While the young one screams
"Whats wrong with you?"

Saturday, August 16, 2008

I hate being second

The race starts up with out warning
I know I'll never win
Yet I still run and am disappointed every time you speed up
I'll never pass you
I'll never have a chance
Because you'll always be number one
And I'll always come in last

When am I not

When does the world make sense?
And when does it stop spinning around and around me?
I feel the world wrapping itself around me
My arms and legs tingling with its pressure
But am I ready to become "one with the world"?
Or do I just want to go home and sleep?

Friday, August 15, 2008

I'll never forget

The way we held hands

When we sat and watched pointless movies

Hours spent talking on the phone

And those spent listening to each others breath through the ear piece

Numerous nights waiting for light to come so I could call you

Or waiting for you to get online

Nor will I ever regret anything more then not trusting you, and not kissing you more while I had the chance.

I'll let you get it

The door
The phone
My jacket
The mail
The trash
My heart
The last slice of pizza
The remote
My trust
But its up to you, to do the right things with them

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Running Away

I'll keep running from your face in my mind
For I am scared that for once it wont reject me
And that I'll fall again and again
Until one time, you will actually catch me
And I'll be so shocked
That I'll die
Right then and there
But for now, I'll keep running
Because I doubt that I have any need for those fears

If you must know

I hate you.
Did you know that?
I didn't think so.
Because I never told you.Check Spelling
I'm always there telling you how much I'm in love with you.
Yet I'm so hesitant about expressing my absolute hatred of you?
And if you must know why I have this fear.
Its because its sprung from how much you don't return my love.
And the resent I carry from that.
Confussing, huh?