Thursday, March 5, 2009

Still Bleeding

This shouldn't still hurt me
I shouldn't still have this open wound
I should have let this go along time ago
Days, weeks, months, years

But here I am
Still cut up and bleeding from that wound
From so long ago
And you just keep pouring salt in it

I shouldn't make it worse
But I do
I push and push
And get frustrated from all the times you bump the open sore

I don't seem to get it through my head
It's not going to heal if you keep picking at it
Never going to close up and go away
If you keep it open, to fester

So maybe it's time
To wrap it up in some gauze
And just wait
For the bleeding wound to heal

I stand alone

I stand on the rug in the middle of the room

I wait for you to pull it out from under me
Crossing my fingers
Hoping you won't

And you do
And I'm left in my bare feet
Crying over the bruises my legs and heart obtain

I pick myself up, and stand alone