Sunday, February 28, 2010

I Feel Weird...

Posting something other then Poetry here.
But I just would like
To inform you
That I've started up
Another spilling of my guts
On my former mountain top
If you'd like to experience it with me
Then follow the leader
To the confessional booth.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I'm Filled With A Lot Of Angry Words

I just don't know
What to do with myself.
I hate everything I do
With such a passion, you'd be frightened
If you could see it.

I'm kicking myself
With every passing day.
I can't think,
I'm so consumed with my
Self criticism

I wish things got easier
With the feedback.
But guess what?
The negative isn't helping
And it's canceling the positive.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Without A Doubt

I am doubtful
Suddenly unsure
Of every spoken line
Of every movement made
Of every emotion 'felt'

This sudden faltering
Catches me off gaurd
This was my past
This was my present
This was my future

How can I be so confident
In my lack of confidence?
I want the known
I want the familiar
I want my goals

For now, every moment
Is one more of darkness
Bringing tears
Bringing confusion
Bringing doubt

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


The hardest part
Of a poem
Is the title

If I can't get that right
None of the other words matter much
And I'll scrap it all

It's important
That those first impressions
Capture you

But really
It's just a title
And I should move on
Before I lose something great

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Welcome

It's been awhile
And it still feels right
To be right here
With them

I sometimes doubt
If this is where I'm meant to be
Because I've got my future
Hanging over my head

But all of that evaporates
When I step out
And feel the lights wrap themselves around me
Welcoming me to the stage
Welcoming me home


Like the strike of lightening
I feel the words
Electrocute me
Sending a surge of energy through my limbs

But like that flash of power
It never seems to hit the same place twice
Leaving my sky dark
And the rumble of thunder:the memory of the poem that could have been