Thursday, August 26, 2010


I read these stories
In the big books on my shelves.
But I can't help but notice,
My thoughts aren't nearly as linear
As the characters I read about.

Am I just a jumbled mess of words?
Or is it them?
Are they the ones who have it all wrong?
The only way to know, is to keep reading.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

College Is Less Than 1 Month Away

I can't stand it.
Leaving here
Where all my memories
Have been born.

I can't hold on-
Can't grip the rock
Of reality. And below me
Are the sharp rocks of the unknown.

I glance out my familiar window
And see the same sight
That I've seen everyday
Of my familiar life.

What's in store?
What's around that river bend?
All I can see
Is the blank vastness of opportunity.

Friday, August 13, 2010

The Never-ending End

I feel it when I'm with you.
It's something that I just
Cannot explain;
This spark between you and
You are so reliable.
I find myself trusting you with
Every piece of me;
Keeping my heart just where it was
There is no one else I'd rather have.
No one else I'd die for
Everyday, even now;
I love
With all your talent and grace.
I could admire you
For the rest of my life;
My ovation is
First sight had me shoot.
Straight through to
The heart;
Like a voice whispering, "look-
You held me every night.
Reassuring me that things would
Turn out better;
That I'd never be

Moving Forward

It always happens.
We all grow up.
We all leave.
We all get left.
The key is to just embrace it;
Abandon the fear.
Acceptance is the thing.