Tuesday, November 30, 2010


I'm writing you letters that I'll never send you-
Drawing doodles that I'll never show you-
Singing songs that will never be about you-

I wish I could-
I wish I would-
I wish that we could be.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

That First Night

Images flash-
the smooth caress of flesh,
the brush of hair,
the softness of your breath.

And I can feel your heart beating,
underneath my palm
and against my back
as you hold me close in the early afternoon hours

I kiss you and I let myself linger
not pulling away,
just breathing in your exhale
as we brush noses

I can't think of anything more perfect-
more wonderfully exhilarating-
then laying comfortably asleep
in your arms

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Good Night

Hours and hours
Passing me by...
Sleep creeping up on me
In the stolen night
Of dancing and yelling and darkness.

Coffee and TV
On a couch with strangers...
You and I sit in mindlessness
At 3 am
When sleep evades and sound overwhelms

Saturday, November 13, 2010


It's dark and gray outside
The gloom swallowing up the Saturday.
Yet I can sit,
Reading and listening to french music,
And feel perfectly content-
Even though there's not much to tell
Or to really think too deep about-
I can still see the silver lining in you.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

November 6th, 2010 11:20 PM

I lean my head on the bed-
Inhale the scent of home
And think of words that don't come

The dun dun dun of the classical music-
That unlocks the window and lets the fog
Wrap around my brain

And lets me ponder the fact that he said yes-
To a date? To nothing?
I can't be sure, but tonight all is well.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


I inhale
The cold, crisp air
That smells of fresh fallen leaves.
That air signals the end of warmth;
The end of summer;
The wearing of sweatshirts
And of scarfs and woollen socks
Brought out of storage
After a long hibernation.
All of this from a breath of air
Taken into my lungs,
On a cool, calm day.