Sunday, May 22, 2011

-I Can't Stop Thinking About You-

They say that you should
'love the one our with.'
And I'm trying.
But there is something pulling me
away from them,
to you.

Songs everywhere
make me think of you.
You're creeping
into my dreams.
You're hijacking
my every train of thought.
And there's nothing I can do
to stop it.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

-Stormy Weather-

the sky is charged
with electricity.
It mirrors my soul,
which is fired up
with emotions.
I love you and hate you
at the same time.
I see his face
when I least expect it
and it charges up the storm.
I know that it's not him I
want at night.
I don't even remember his scent.
But when it comes to who I do want
I don't know how to get
the storm started.