Monday, February 20, 2012


Death crushing on my soul
A dark shadow
Struggling to drown the light.

My tears hold themselves
Tight behind my eyelids
Not falling.

I must be strong
For those who battled the shadow
Hand to hand.

For those who lost
A fellow warrior
On the battle field.

Now I must make a call
To one who must enter the fray
To fight for their loved ones.

I must be strong
So that the pain might be less
And they might help win the war.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Happy Valentines Day

Roses are red,
So is wine,
Lets open a bottle
And have sexy time!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


shaking hands.
Can't bring myself to speak
to type the words
to get you.
tears falling.
Only coming in the night
in the dark
in the emptiness.
screaming desperation.
Hidden in plain sight
in the words
in the laughter.