Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Sometimes I question my path
My goals, dreams, future
Why do I keep doing what I'm doing?
No one cares anyways, it's all for everyone else.

Sure I love what I do
Sure I do it for me, most of the time
But what is the point if no one is there to see the view you've painted just for them?
What if it doesn't even matter to anyone but those involved.

I'm questioning if I'm good at anything at all
All it seems I'm good at lately is putting on an act
For everyone else.
Not me.

And they don't even care.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Can't let go

At home, alone
Just thinking of how to trip you up,
To make you fall for me again.
About how I miss the days when you told me I was beautiful
And where I could call you mine
And I could talk to you without censoring or feeling crazy.

Then I get a message from him.
He's crazy and obsessive and slightly creepy,
but when I look at him, and the way he does things,
I realize I'm almost like him.
Trying to force you to love me
When you just want to be rid of me.
And I can't bring myself to change
And to finally let you go, go, go.