Monday, October 12, 2015


I find it hard to believe-
So many things these days.

How happy I am
How fast time moves
How little money I make
How much I love you

But mostly,
I find it hard to believe
That I've never written a poem about you.

Never written how you've changed me,
Never put to verse how peacefully I sleep next to you,
With your too hot skin pressed to me in places,
And your soft breathing as my lullaby.
Never immortalized the cliche,
"You complete me"

But because I haven't written a poem about you,
I've gotten to love you so much more.
You aren't someone who makes me cry and need to write out all my emotions
In some pretty way to have them make sense.

You're real. And here.
And so very much mine.
I can speak my emotions to you.
They don't have to be pretty.
And that's why.
This is the first poem about you.

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