Monday, April 25, 2016

NaPoWriMo 2016 Day 25


I wander, nightly.
Through the streets
Of a city
That only exists in my mind.

I used to depart to new landscapes each night.
But as of late
It's the same labyrinth each time.

An amalgam of places
I've both been to
Or seen in fiction.

I cross into the city over the Golden Gate Bridge,
With it's red arches.
The streets of San Francisco are now NYC, Tokyo, Portland, Olympia, and more.
A jumble of alleys and buildings
I've visited
And corners where I've parked my car.

Each night as the city presents itself to me
I try to climb through
A web of streets and stairs;
Nooks and crannies.

And each night, I wonder.
Lost in a city that both does
And doesn't exist.

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