Thursday, April 15, 2010

NaPoWriMo 2010 Day 15

-I Want You-

It's time like this
When I think of you.
When the sun comes to great me
And I need a reason to wake.
I want you to be my reason.

It's times like this
When I think of you.
When I sit alone at lunch
And I need someone to talk to.
I want you to be my listener.

It's times like this
When I think of you.
When I walk down the halls
And I need a hand to hold.
I want you to be my holder.

It's times like this
When I think you.
When I drive home in my car
And I need someone to sing to.
I want you to be my audience.

It's time like this
When I think of you.
When I'm watching the sunset on a warm spring night
And I need someone to lean on.
I want you to be my someone.

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