Monday, April 5, 2010

NaPoWriMo 2010 Day 5

-"I Could Never Hate You"-

I know I should be upset, but I can't be
Not with them, not for something like this.
I can't blame them.
Not with them being who they are,
Two wonderful, thoughtful, crazy awesome people,
Who hold such important places in my life.
I wouldn't dream of denying them happiness.

But even though there's a lack of anger,
There is no lack for hurt.
Hurt that they'd assume I'd be so mean,
That I'd be so quick to kick them out of my life.
Hurt that they didn't tell me from the start,
That they waited for me to figure it out on my own.
And hurt that it does hurt,
When I so desperately don't want it to.

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