Monday, July 1, 2013

Missing My New Acquaintance

I've said it before
And I'll say it again
(and maybe someday I'll say it another 2 or 4 or 100 times)-
I was a fool to think I ever had a part of you
To call my own.
You were always just a stranger-
Passing through on your way to your life.
And regardless of my claims or lack thereof,
You've left a me wound that stays dormant;
most of the time.
A glass too many, or a sad song, or a bad night
Are all like scratching at a barely healed cut, right on my heart.
I sit and think of nothing but the way you held me
Or how you'd ignore my text messages
Or how you broke promises
And no matter how bad the memory,
I still miss being able to miss you.
Now that I've lost a lover and a friend,
I realize that all I've gained is an

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