Monday, April 7, 2014

NaPoWriMo 2014 Day7


Dark shadows,
With swirling tendrils,
Float into my mind
And take over my brain.
The shadow seeps
From my head down
Tensing my shoulders along the way
Clenching my fists, tightening my back
Spring loading my muscles.
My heart races ahead
Trying fruitlessly to outrun the wispy fingers.
The shadowy hands stir up my belly
Tying my guts into knots that may never untie.
Finally it reaches my toes clenching and unclenching
Until they cramp and pain shoots up my legs.
I am all shadow.
A creature of self doubt,
The lightness that shone through me
Only moments ago
Gone in the blink of an eye,
Gone in the casting of a shadow.

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