Thursday, April 30, 2009

NaPoWriMo Day 30

-Time Keeps Speeding Up-

Tick, Tock,
Tock, Tick
The seconds are racing
With the minutes
Who are racing with
The hours
Who are racing with
The days, The weeks,
The months, The years.

A month used to seem
So, So long.
But now a year,
Seems like a second
And 4 years
Seems like 4 weeks.

Soon, this will all be over,
We'll all be gone
And the months
Will go on changing
Every 28-31 days
And we will grow
And continue to grow

But I'd like to leave
A bit of myself behind
With you, to remember
That I was a poet
A quote or
An entire poem
That you'll re-read
Or show someone
Or keep tucked in your pocket or desk drawer
For a rainy day

Or maybe to read to
Someone young
And impressionable
So that they'll know
That they can do it too
That this challenging month
Is what showed me the beauty
Of words

I hope that time slows down
But if it doesn't,
I leave you with this:
Inspire others,
Force yourself to write,
Even when you don't feel inspired,
Because that's when the best things come

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

NaPoWriMo Day 29


Broken down
In the middle,
Not the side,
Of a dangerous road
For someone
To come save me

Perhaps this is a metaphor
For my life
In it's current place
But surely,
It'll take more than
A new ignition switch
To start my life back up,

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

NaPoWriMo Day 28

-Ode To The Simpler Things In Life-

Super Hero's:
Saving the day
Hiding away
Having the glory
But it's all in a days work-
He feel's the same as you
When he's back in his disguise
Once he's flown into his sunset

Beauty the we can write about
The end of a day
Fire in the sky
But it's really just nature-
It happens every day
Even when it slips past you
It's just another ending to a day

Of someones heart and soul
A way to vent and show the world
But it's really just words-
On the computer screen or some paper
Just simple little rants
Set to fancy forms

Flowing energy
A way to get whats needed
Or show how we feel
But it's really just needed to function-
To help us build our selfishness
Or hurt others
Or to simply BE

Sounds that can soothe
To bring a voice to a heart
And to share it with anyone and everyone
But it's really just science-
Vibrations hitting the eardrums
Causing your brain to react
And send messages to your brain

Melting into yourself
Living for someone else
That mushy feeling you get or the butterflies inside
But it's just a chemical reaction-
Endorphins triggering hormones
Causing a natural reaction to another being
And causing you to think your special and different to them

Monday, April 27, 2009

NaPoWriMo Day 27

-So Uninspired-

I used to become
More and more
Filled with ideas
Each and everyday

Ones that made me feel smart
And deep
And grown up
Like a REAL poet

But lately
I feel I'm going backwards
I'm so tempted to just
Send you some Beatles lyrics and call it good

Sunday, April 26, 2009

NaPoWriMo Day 26

-Spring Cleaning-

My walls seem so empty
So bare
With all those memories in the shift
From one place
To another
To being pushed into a box
Or being thrown away completely

To much for one
Moment, Hour, Day, Lifetime

But why,
Should I be able to tack
Some of my best memories
Onto my wall
Just to remove them
To make room
In the midst of Spring Cleaning

Saturday, April 25, 2009

NaPoWriMo Day 25

-We All Have Dreams-

We all dream
To do something great

To sing the words of truth
Like the Beatles
Who knew that holding hands
Was the true meaning of love
And that love was all you needed
And that people were lonely

We all dream
To be someone great

The speakers who
Will lead tomorrow
Into the day after
Or the one who
Will cure the diseases
Or climb the mountains
Or end the poverty and hate

We all dream
To be loved by someone great

To live in one of those
Hopelessly romantic love stories
Romeo and Juliet
Antony and Cleopatra
And all those who fit the titles
Because whoever loves you is great
If their right

We all dream
To witness something great

The birth of a country
The first inventions
A baseball game that made it into books
The election of someone different
Or even a tragic event
Just so we can say we saw it

We all dream
To know everything great

But what none of us realizes
What not one of us grasps
Is that
In our everyday lives
We do see greatness
We do create greatness
We do know greatness
We ARE greatness
No one can see it, because they are still dreaming

Friday, April 24, 2009

NaPoWriMo Day 24

-Not Knowing-

I know where
I want to go

But I'm not sure
How to get there

I know who
I want to be

But how?
I have no clue

I know what
I want to do

Because...who knows?

I know that
I have no idea

What don't I know?
I don't know

Thursday, April 23, 2009

NaPoWriMo Day 23

-Evergreen State College-

I've changed
My future

No more

Real life
Hands on

Relaxed classes
No filling in boxes
Pick and choose
Tie together

I get what I want
Select my own courses
Don't have a check list
All for me


I can almost afford
My brand new dream

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

NaPoWriMo Day 22


Dis spite how happy I was
I can't help but wonder if I knew.
Sure, I read the signs
Although, they were obviously wrong.
Prince Charming is still a-
Prince. But definitely not mine in that way
Our happy ever after,
Truly, never really existed the same way it did in my mind.
Not that we won't have one, it's just
The opposite of what I'd thought,
My heart wasn't tied to that ending,
Enough to be broken.
No, I'm happy
That maybe, we can keep each other company until our prince's come for us.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

NaPoWriMo Day 21

-The "Bad" Day-

Everything screams
At me, in the face

26 minute late
Awakening from wonderful dreams
Running to keep the time straight

No phone
No charge to keep it alive
Call the doctor, get some life back in it

Then, there's the announcement
Of a pointless 30 minutes
That no one knew about

My shoe falls apart
Cracking at the seems
It can't handle the stress

I just want to sleep
But I still have hours to go

I'm entitled to a bad day-a bad mood
And yet,
I can't stop smiling

Monday, April 20, 2009

NaPoWriMo Day 20

-In like-

I can't stop smiling

The grin is infectious
Soon moving to my fingers
So they won't stop moving

As it moves down
It touches my vocal cords
So I'm singing for joy
And laughing at nothing and everything
And talking nonstop to anyone with ears

It spreads to my stomach
Which flips around and around.
Who knew,
That my insides were so good at gymnastics

Finally, it reaches my feet
My toes wiggle about
Happy to be free in the sun
And I leap around like a child

I didn't even know I could be this happy
About one person

He brightened
An already sunny day

NaPoWriMo Day 19

Day 19
-High Hopes-

I hope I don't
Get my hopes up
Just to be let down

Because, He is,
Sweet and
Funny and
And he likes me

I haven't felt
This confident
In far, far to long

Despite that-
Despite all my fears
And apprehensions

I can't help-
Get my hopes up
Higher then the stars
That are sparkling tonight

Saturday, April 18, 2009

NaPoWriMo Day 18

-The Little Girl-

The lonely little girl
In the park

She's getting drowsy
To tired to even make it home
To bed
To sleep

Her mother wonders

Her father paces
Back and forth

Her brother sits by the phone
For a call that won't come

Her sister cries
She'd been nicer

But the girl is safe
Under the stars
Protected by her innocence

And the trees
That sway
Are her roof

The darkness
Her blanket
The grass and flowers
Her bed

Nature is calling
Not to her house
Where her sister waits

To the young girls soul
On the first day of sun
Since winter
Covered it with its cold hand

When she wakes
Its light again
She knows she's been bad
And worried those who wait

She walks slowly home
Apologies on the tip of her tongue
To her family
And to the Sun

Friday, April 17, 2009

NaPoWriMo Day 17

-The Irony in Long Poems About Silence-

I am rushed
Around and Around

In circles.

Back and forth
From here to there
Again and Again

I used to think about THIS everyday
The silence I was forced into,
The oppression I faced
All that

But now, I don't
Not so much

It's become so intertwined
With my day to day activities
That I've stopped noticing how much they hurt

They effect how I live my life
How I go about in the world
What I say
Who I say things to

So this day brought me back
From pushing these things into
The monotony of life

So I'll sit in silence today
To stand up for what was once the center of my life-
One of the most uncommon things about me-
And has now faded into the commonness that is my life

Thursday, April 16, 2009

NaPoWriMo Day 16

-So Many Broken Connections in the World-

I'm sorry, your cable is unplugged

We apologize, we are experiencing some technical delays

Call dropped

Fixing something that's not broken

That's all we ever do-
trying to fix things.
maybe they weren't ever broken to begin with

Instead we sheath over down power lines
and slow moving web links

My hard drive is full
System overloading
Shut Down


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

NaPoWriMo Day 15

-Home Sick-

I'd scheduled a repeat
To my fainting episode
But it was canceled

That's the word I use
Not quite as bad as a dog

I lay there
Alone, head pounding
But not so sick, any more

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

NaPoWriMo Day 14


I cry
I weep
I throw away
I sweep

The trash does not belong on the floor
Not meant to be pushed behind the door
So pick it up, now do not hesitate
Become a litterbug no more!

Monday, April 13, 2009

NaPoWriMo Day 13

-Turning Point-

It's funny-
How one moment in time
Can change a mood
From sweet to sour

It's funny-
That a day can have
So many ups and downs
So quick and seamless

It's funny-
My brain tells me
"Your being quite foolish, and you know it"
I don't listen, I don't really care

Sunday, April 12, 2009

NaPoWriMo Day 12


My day is started
Much earlier then I'd planed
Pushed into motion
Pushed into nothing

Nothing doing
Not a thing
Baby's playing
Baby's crying

Lots of stuff I'd have to do
Losing sight of why
I'd never think to fall asleep
I settle down to read

Just one minute
Just one more
Rest my eyes
Rush out the door

And then I'm out
Another hour or three
Fresh at last
From a nice long nap

Saturday, April 11, 2009

NaPoWriMo Day 11

I'd really thought
That things might be different
That I'd moved on from all of that
That I could sit through something without feeling
I think I may have been wrong

Friday, April 10, 2009

NaPoWriMo Day 10

-The End-
As my head pounds
The week comes to a close
And the weekend begins
It's proof that every end
Is a new beginning
And every beginning
Was once an end

Thursday, April 9, 2009

NaPoWriMo Day 9


Lately, no one seems to be speaking
At least not loud enough for me to hear
Lately, no one seems to approach me
Well, not close enough to seem to near
Lately, it seems I'm falling
Down, down the rabbit hole
Lately, it seems I'm fading out
A printer with no ink left on the roll
Lately, all my surroundings irritate me
Everyone suddenly showing their worst mannerisms
Lately, all my writing seems to lack
Complaints set to elegant rhythms

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

NaPoWriMo Day 8


I had an entire poem
All ready to type up
Sitting in my tattered notebook-
On a sheet of scratch paper

I had this poem
All ready to go
To send off-
But I've realized, I hate it

I had a poem
About a small event
That occurred at the beginning of my day-
Now almost forgotten

I had that poem
Almost good enough
To send-
But I wrote this instead

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

NaPoWriMo Day 7


I don't wanna
Do my homework
I don't wanna
Get up in the morning
I don't wanna
I don't wanna
Be awake
I don't want
To write this poem
I don't wanna
Do anything, but sleep

Monday, April 6, 2009

NaPoWriMo Day 6

No time to run
No time to sleep
No time to eat
No time to read
No time to write
No time to drive
No time to sing
No time to work
No time to well wish
No time to watch
No time to procrastinate
And yet I do

Sunday, April 5, 2009

NaPoWriMo Day 5

-The SUNday-
I go to the gym
The Mall
Out to eat
Then I come home and sit in the sun
What a day
On a Sunday

Saturday, April 4, 2009

NaPoWriMo Day 4


Knit one
Pearl one
40 stitch's long
Over and over-
Better with every movement
Until it becomes instinctual
Like breathing
Its a release; something to numb the stress of life

NaPoWriMo Day 3

-Something More-

Someday I will write
Something more impressive than
This very short haiku

Thursday, April 2, 2009

NaPoWriMo Day 2

-High Tech Vs. Low Tech-

When I put my pencil to paper-
My mind goes blank...
My idea's never seem to flow properly in this form.
I'm so technology based,
That they only really come out-
When I'm typing them up.
The words, rhymes, and rhythms,
Seem to just happen.
So I'll revise this as I type it,
To see if it looks better on my laptop screen,
Then it did in my messy old notebook.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

NaPoWriMo Day 1

-Waiting For April-

I've been waiting
For the first day of this month.
So I can set my pen to paper,
My fingers to the keys,
And share my heart with the world
Once again