Friday, April 17, 2009

NaPoWriMo Day 17

-The Irony in Long Poems About Silence-

I am rushed
Around and Around

In circles.

Back and forth
From here to there
Again and Again

I used to think about THIS everyday
The silence I was forced into,
The oppression I faced
All that

But now, I don't
Not so much

It's become so intertwined
With my day to day activities
That I've stopped noticing how much they hurt

They effect how I live my life
How I go about in the world
What I say
Who I say things to

So this day brought me back
From pushing these things into
The monotony of life

So I'll sit in silence today
To stand up for what was once the center of my life-
One of the most uncommon things about me-
And has now faded into the commonness that is my life

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