Saturday, April 25, 2009

NaPoWriMo Day 25

-We All Have Dreams-

We all dream
To do something great

To sing the words of truth
Like the Beatles
Who knew that holding hands
Was the true meaning of love
And that love was all you needed
And that people were lonely

We all dream
To be someone great

The speakers who
Will lead tomorrow
Into the day after
Or the one who
Will cure the diseases
Or climb the mountains
Or end the poverty and hate

We all dream
To be loved by someone great

To live in one of those
Hopelessly romantic love stories
Romeo and Juliet
Antony and Cleopatra
And all those who fit the titles
Because whoever loves you is great
If their right

We all dream
To witness something great

The birth of a country
The first inventions
A baseball game that made it into books
The election of someone different
Or even a tragic event
Just so we can say we saw it

We all dream
To know everything great

But what none of us realizes
What not one of us grasps
Is that
In our everyday lives
We do see greatness
We do create greatness
We do know greatness
We ARE greatness
No one can see it, because they are still dreaming

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