Thursday, April 30, 2009

NaPoWriMo Day 30

-Time Keeps Speeding Up-

Tick, Tock,
Tock, Tick
The seconds are racing
With the minutes
Who are racing with
The hours
Who are racing with
The days, The weeks,
The months, The years.

A month used to seem
So, So long.
But now a year,
Seems like a second
And 4 years
Seems like 4 weeks.

Soon, this will all be over,
We'll all be gone
And the months
Will go on changing
Every 28-31 days
And we will grow
And continue to grow

But I'd like to leave
A bit of myself behind
With you, to remember
That I was a poet
A quote or
An entire poem
That you'll re-read
Or show someone
Or keep tucked in your pocket or desk drawer
For a rainy day

Or maybe to read to
Someone young
And impressionable
So that they'll know
That they can do it too
That this challenging month
Is what showed me the beauty
Of words

I hope that time slows down
But if it doesn't,
I leave you with this:
Inspire others,
Force yourself to write,
Even when you don't feel inspired,
Because that's when the best things come

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