Saturday, April 27, 2013

NaPoWriMo 2013 Day 27


Quiet now. Don't make any sudden moves.
Slowly look up at the world around you.
Really take in the crowd you're a part of.
I'm watching you, listening to you.
Do you see me? Do you hear me?
I'm the man over there, on his cell phone.
What am I saying? Am I talking about you?
I am that child passing by with my mother.
Can you feel my eyes on you yet?
I am the judgmental teen, ready to comment on everyone else.
Are you doubting yourself yet?

Soon, your ears will burn with embarrassment,
When of course you've done nothing to be embarrassed about.
You will feel a buzzing, a low hum.
It will come from across the room. 
From a stranger passing on the street.
The rumble from next door.
The full chatter of a crowd.
Aimed at you.
Like a missile.
Programed to seek and destroy.
Armed to obliterate 
Your self esteem,
Your self worth.
I am the hissssssing of the voices
Talking about you. 
Drowning you. 
Asking you to 

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